新型冠狀病毒RNA核酸快速檢測 - HK$238.00~500.00


Terms and Conditions of CNCBI Credit Card DNA WeCheck New Coronavirus (COVID-19) RNA Rapid Test Promotion (“Promotion”)

General Terms and Conditions:
  1. 推廣期由 2020年 4月 1日至 2021 年 3月 31 日,包括首尾兩日(「推廣期」)。
    The Promotion is valid from 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021 (both dates inclusive) (“Promotion Period”).
  2. 除特別註明外,推廣只適用於所有持有由中信銀行(國際)有限公司(「本行」)發出的信用卡(「合資格信用卡」)的會員(「會員」)或成功綁定信銀國際為「轉數快」預設賬戶的客戶(「客戶」)。
    Unless otherwise specified, the Promotion applies to cardmembers (“Cardmembers”) holding any credit cards issued by China CITIC Bank International Limited (the “Bank”) (“Eligible Credit Card”) or customers who successfully set CNCBI account as the FPS default account. (“Customers”).
  3. 會員及/或客戶推廣期內透過天資基因檢測中心有限公司(「商戶」)指定網站(http://youngplus.com.hk/CNCBI)購買【新型冠狀病毒RNA核酸快速檢測】(「檢測套裝」),可獲贈KN95環保口罩一個(連30片濾芯)(「贈品」)。
    Cardmembers and/or Customers receive a complimentary KN95 eCO-MASK (with 30 pcs of filters) (“Free Gift”) upon purchase of a New Coronavirus (COVID-19) RNA Rapid Test (“Test Kit”) via DNA WeCheck Limited (“Merchant”) designated website (http://youngplus.com.hk/CNCBI) during the Promotion Period.
  4. 會員及/或客戶須憑合資格信用卡或信銀國際轉數快購買檢測套裝,方可享此優惠。
    To enjoy the Promotion, Cardmembers and/or Customers are required to purchase the Test Kit with Eligible Credit Card or via CNCBI FPS account.
  5. 檢測套裝的供應有限,先到先得。
    The supply of Test Kit is limited and on a first-come-first-served basis.
  6. 贈品數量有限,送完即止。
    Free Gift is available while stock lasts.
  7. 優惠不可與其他折扣、推廣優惠或禮券同時使用。詳情請向商戶查詢。
    Promotion cannot be used in conjunction with other discounts, promotional offers or gift certificates. Any enquiry, should be directed to the Merchant.
  8. 本行不會對商戶的貨品、服務或資料之質素和供應作出任何陳述或保證,亦不會就商戶的貨品、服務或資料所引起或與有關的事宜負上任何責任。如有任何查詢、申訴或投訴,應直接向商戶提出。
    The Bank shall not be liable for any matters arising or in connection with the products, services, or information provided by the Merchant. The Bank shall bear no liability relating to any aspect thereof, including the quality and availability of the products, services or information provided by the Merchant. Any enquiry, claim or complaint should be directed to the Merchant.
  9. 本行及商戶保留權利可以不時刪除、取代、增補或修改任何本推廣優惠之條款及細則而毋須作事先通知。本行亦恕不承擔任何有關優惠或條款更改或終止所引起的責任。如有任何爭議,本行保留最終決定權。
    The Bank and the Merchant reserves the right to delete, replace, supplement or amend any of these Terms and Conditions without prior notice, and shall not bear any responsibility for any costs, expenses, losses or liabilities incurred. In the event of any matter or dispute arising out of or in connection with the Promotion, the decision of the Bank and the Merchant shall be final and conclusive.
  10. 本行具唯一及絕對酌情權決定合資格信用卡之有效性以及會員及/或客戶享有推廣優惠的資格。
    The Promotion is only applicable to Cardmembers and/or Customers whose Eligible Credit Card accounts are determined at the sole and absolute discretion of the Bank to be in good standing and remain valid and not in default during the relevant promotion period.
  11. 合資格信用卡須受本行有關信用卡會員合約及所有其他現行適用的推廣活動的有關條款及細則所約束,詳情請參考www.cncbinternational.com
    The use of any Eligible Credit Card is subject to the relevant CNCBI Cardmember Agreement and relevant terms and conditions of all other applicable prevailing promotions offered by the Bank. For details please refer to www.cncbinternational.com.
  12. 除本條款及細則另有明文訂明外,本條款及細則訂約方以外的任何人士概不可按照《合約(第三者權利)條例》(香港法例第623章)的規定強制執行本條款及細則的條款或享有其利益。倘本條款及細則的任何條文明確賦予任何第三方權力根據《合約(第三者權利)條例》執行本條款及細則任何條款,則條款及細則訂約方保留權利可在毋須該第三方同意的情況下修改該條款或本條款及細則的任何其他條款。
    Except as otherwise expressly stated in these Terms and Conditions, no one other than a party to these Terms and Conditions may enforce any of their terms under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Ordinance, Cap. 623 of the Laws of Hong Kong. Where any clause of these Terms and Conditions entitles any third party to enforce any term of these Terms and Conditions under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Ordinance, the parties reserve the right to vary that term or any other term of these Terms and Conditions without the consent of that third party.
  13. 本條款及細則須受香港特別行政區法律管轄,及受有關規定監管。
    These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and are subject to prevailing regulatory requirements.
  14. 條款及細則之內容。如有差歧,一概以英文版為準。
    In case of any discrepancy, the English version shall prevail for all purposes.


天資基因 DNA Wecheck 之化驗所符合法例對醫務化驗師旳法定要求,跟據《輔助醫療業條例》,從事醫務化驗業務的企業之其中一董事是醫務化驗師(MLT1)就醫務化驗專業獲註冊。公司同時醫務化驗師管理委員會註冊。






而 DNAwecheck天資基因通過了由香港政府衞生署“衛生防護中心“之新冠肺炎核酸檢測「品質保證計劃」(SARS CoV-2 Quality Assurance Programme),確保病毒檢測的技術水平符合標準。



1) FPS: 67296470

2) 銀行轉帳:

帳戶名稱:DNA WeCheck Limited

付款後請把確認付款版面截圖並Whatspp到 67296470








採樣後,須在低溫保存下于即日內親身或派人送到 香港荔枝角長順街20號時豐中心。

到達上述位址附近時,請先致電 2110 1218 / 6729 6470 我們會安排同事交收樣本 (為方便有效管理樣本,請勿直接將樣本送上實驗室)。(如未能即日送檢,樣本須保存在冰櫃內,並于48小時內送至實驗室)

檢測完成後,報告將會直接電郵或whatsapp 給你,以保障檢測者私隱。

收取樣本時間:星期一至五9:30am至5:30pm(公眾假期除外)。一般而言,每天收到的樣本,報告會在收到樣本後24-36小時內下發出。 如在疫情嚴重出現大量樣本,出報告時間有可能會稍爲延遲,我們將儘快通知您。


必需由醫生轉介,如需協助,請致電2110 1218。

DNA wecheck 為在香港註冊之化驗所, 滙聚專業人員,配置 國際認可之先進設備, 使用世衛認可的(RT-PCR)測試技術,為香港市民提供優質、及時之專業檢測服務,同時,參與政府衛生署品質保證計劃, 確保為市民提供高質素新冠病毒檢測服務。



查詢熱線: 2110 1218
Whatsapp/wechat :6729 6470



即日報告: $450(需於當日下午1時前提交樣本,約傍晚7時提供報告)
非即日報告: $238(提交樣本後,約24-36小時提供報告)
  • 自行採樣可選擇咽喉拭子或深喉唾液;
  • 專業醫護採樣+$50(只限荔枝角中心);
  • 另設加急4小時服務及上門採樣服務,歡迎查詢及報價。


貨號: 不提供 分類: